Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: where this is 10u possible. Id., citing 20 U.S.C. 1412(5): 34 C.F.R 85 300. 132 300.227. 300. 307{b}, 300.347 In 4 situation where court detcrnines private placement selected by the parents was "proper under the Act" and that an IEF calling Tor placement in public 5chool was "inappropriate, the Court found that "appropriate Telicr (under 1415(e)(2)) would include 19 prospective injunction directing the schonl officials to develop and implement at public experise placing child private school. T Because the "review process is pondcrous, the Coon that parcnt; who disagree with the pasodad IEP ATO contronted with choice along with the FT the detriment or their child turns out to inappropriate ur ARd for what they consider the appropriate placement . Burtingion. Therefore. ThE Court reasoned th ...